Saturday, January 20, 2007

Exciting delivery to Brothers Gentry

The camera I won in the vSocial video contest arrived on Friday afternoon. The sound in the video doesn't quite synch at the end.

This is the actual camera that was delivered. It's a different brand than the one they said but has the same features. Although it's not really getting top notch reviews, I'll have to try it out for myself. It was FREE so that's a big plus.


UPDATE: 1:25 p.m. ... The DXG 506v is not compatible with Mac -- which I use. Woe is me. Oh well. I have some family which have PCs. Maybe one of them can use it .... Maybe I can show Mama how to use it and she can start a recipe/cooking blog. Hmmmmmmm. That's not a bad idea. She always wanted to do a cookbook.


Anonymous said...

You could always sell it on made BANK last week selling a bunch of stuff out of my Boutique (trunk of my car). Post it in the Philadelphia section (big not-so-bright-spenders...).

Lacey said...

Would the actual camera that they were supposed to send you have worked with Mac? Could you request that they send you the one you actually won instead of this current camera? Bummer tho.