Friday, December 22, 2006

Today ..... I must shop

Here are some tips on overcoming procrastination.

But if you click on the Manifesto on this page, a guy will tell you why procrastination isn't such a bad thing.

Good or bad, I've procrastinated long enough. I'm off to face the throngs. Well, maybe I'll get a couple of hours sleep first and then it's off to do the shopping.

To the rest of you like-minded procrastinators -- I wish us luck.

REMEMBER: I'd love to put up a photo gallery of a bunch of you guys opening presents or playing with toys from some Christmas past. If you have one, e-mail it to and I'll post them on Christmas morning. If I don't get any, you'll be stuck looking at me.


Anonymous said...

If the rest of the readers are anything like me, I haven't sent you any childhood hobbity horse pics because I don't know how to get the old picture from the year 1974 into the computer...I need a scanner or some crazy nonsense? That's my excuse. (Insert image of idiot trying to slip old picture through the cracks in the frame of the computer monitor).

Jeffrey said...

If you don't have a scanner, just take a close-up picture of it with your digital camera -- which I know you have -- and e-mail that to me. We gotta have a picture of banana girl...