Sunday, December 03, 2006

I think I forgot to Supersize my order

I'm seriously starting to get a complex over these e-mails I keep getting.

Now I find myself Googling the topic and reading stuff like this as I try to make sure I measure up as a man -- even minimally. Screw it ....

Do you women out there get bombarded with any particular spams?


Anonymous said...

That's nuts (no pun intended)! Maybe someone put you on a mailing list as a joke. I, a girl, don't get anything like that, for boobs or anything.

Anonymous said...

I get the penis ones both at work and on my personal account!

Jeffrey said...

So, Oyster Girl .... Are you saying you get the penis just about whenever you want?

CanalSide Editor said...

You do realize it is possible to eliminate enlarged penises (peni?) with the proper "SPAM" filters, right Jeffrey?:- )