Saturday, January 06, 2007

Movie Mashup

This one is a tough one. It's 10 movies in under 80 seconds. Good luck.


Anonymous said...

Very difficult. I got 4...but I only think 3 are correct.

Lacey said...

Ok there are 3 I don't know...Here goes: Speed, ?(World War I movie?), Untouchables, Napolean Dynamite, Clint Eastwood for sure...The good, the bad the Ugly??, Pretty Woman, Incredibles, ? (From the 80s) Terms of Endearment?, Who Framed Roger Rabbit and Jackie Brown.

Anonymous said...

Go Saints!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry! The QOMD was out of town! Here you go...
Speed, Gettysberg, Untouchables, Napoleon Dynamite, The Good, The Bad & The Ugly, Pretty Woman, Incredibles, Ordinary People, Who Framed Roger Rabbit and Jackie Brown.
I'm a little rusty, so it took three views to get them all.


Jeffrey said...

Jesus H. Christ...

Nobody should get Ordinary People. I bow to your greatness. But will return with an all porn version soon. You may need Jeff's help ... ;)

Anonymous said...

LMAO! I needed Jeff's help a little with the Clint Eastwood one. Also had a little trouble with Gettysberg. Thought it was Gods & Generals.

You had a little theme going on. Samuel L. Jackson and DeNiro in two flicks each. (Cuz wasn't Samuel L. Jackson in the Incredibles too?) Maybe you can do 10 movies in under 80 seconds with one actor....start with...I don't know...Kevin Bacon. ha ha.