Saddam Hussein is dead
Work Friday night/into this morning was hell as we waited for official word on Saddam's execution and for updated stories to start moving on the Associated Press wire. The late breaking news (on the East Coast) forced us to make multiple deadline changes and do some under the gun editing. The pressure of that situation -- piled on with some other pressures -- left my shoulders in knots.
On a much more serious note than that video ....
I am not a death penalty proponent. I never have been. But I am a news person and I share these links with you in the sense of their news value. For a short video taken off BBC TV of the noose being put around Hussein's neck, click here. The video does not show the hanging take place. More print, video and audio coverage from the BBC can be found here.
Extensive CNN coverage is here.
Click here for coverage from NPR.
I don't like the death penalty either, but when I saw coverage of what he did to all of those innocent people on the news last night after they hung that bastard, I couldn't care less what they did to him, as long as he's gone. He got off easy. He and his sons would stand and watch as they ordered men to put innocent people thru wood chippers, alive and head first. They did it for fun.
That's all too true....
And that makes it hard to be a death penalty opponent in this case. But once I start picking and choosing when I think the death penalty is OK, I've compromised my basic belief that it is wrong for anyone to kill people. I'm left to try to convince myself the execution was done in self defense or in defense of others. That's the only way I can justify killing someone. ..... But I can only see it as punishment or vengeance, and that leaves me wishing it had not been done.
Rough night, huh? Do I know when to take time off or what? Uh... please don't be bringing that massager into the office. ...
About Saddam's execution: Yeah, I have mixed emotions. I hate what Saddam did, but I also don't like people deciding whether another person should live or die. Of course, I also don't like to kill bugs, but I'm also a carnivore. So who knows?
Hey Koko.... You missed another fun one Saturday night. I hope you are enjoying yourself.
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