Sunday, December 31, 2006

The Resolutionary War

I'm one year cigarette-free today. I quit smoking January 1, 2006, as part of my New Year's resolution. The best part of it all was that my mom quit with me. She had smoked for a number of years, then quit for a few, before starting again. She is also now smoke-free for a year. Congratulations Mama. I am so proud of you....

So now it's time for a new resolution. I'm not so sure if I will be as successful at this one. Here it is -- in video form -- a couple of hours early. I'm going down the street to have a New Year's drink or two or three or four or more (I'm walking)... Happy New Year's to you all.

Hat tip to Big Dre. If you do start up the Biggest Loser contest. Count me in.

Meltdown Monday
Weight: 274
Listening to: A little Gordon Lightfoot
Dreaming of: Free beer
Dancing to: Peaches and Herb's Reunited
Kissing all up on: My Farrah Fawcett poster
Wishing I was: Quincy ME


Anonymous said...

Cool! If you need some advice...
Those "Dummies" books - they make Dieting for Dummies and Nutrition for Dummies - breaks it down real simple, and is really helpful even for the hotshots who think they already have it figured out. Also, drink lots of water, no sugar drinks, at least 7.5 hours of sleep in a day/night and excercise for 40 min a day at least. I'll shut up now.

Anonymous said...

Buena suerte

Jeffrey said...

Thank you both....

Esteban I know you already lost a good amount of weight on your own.... any advice would be appreciated ...

FreedomGirl said...

Awesome. You are inspiring. Happy New You!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Son, for being proud of me. I had often wondered if anyone even noticed that I had quit. I have told you many times that I am proud of you and I am still proud of what you have done and have started doing. I am going to be in there with you. We will be there for each other. Love you.

Bug-Z said...

Note to self; Do not egg on Jeffro to finish the keg anymore...

Anonymous said...

Now, if you're going to do this right you need to take your photo each week in a speedo, so we can really see your progress...

Jeffrey said...

Dear anonymous...

The gross-out factor on that last request would be way too high.... I wouldn't subject my worst enemy to looking at that, much less you fine people.

Anonymous said...

I'll give you some tips when I see you in the office. FYI, I hear someone put foil on Ed's brand new chair. And it wasn't me. What up with that?

Kathleen said...

That is an awesome New Years resolution, and what better way to keep you in check...than by posting pics of your progress. I like it. I may start my own meltdown monday.
One website that helped motivate me to lose 40 lbs last year....and is completely free, is It gives menu's, exercises, and has a discussion forum for motivation. You can even join teams and compete against people on your teams for points and what not. Check it out, use or don't, but it helped me. I need to get back on the losing track...another 25 lbs to go for me. Good luck. I will check back often, to see your progress! Yeah! You can do this!!

Anonymous said...

For health reasons, it's a good idea.'re very handsome just the way you are.