Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Is that a banana in your pocket?

Elizabeth and Natalie went to the beach at Cape Henlopen State Park in Delaware today. Besides laying out and swimming, they did a little shopping. Elizabeth again went straight for her favorite phallic symbol, wrapping her hands around a banana-shaped Christmas ornament. There's something about Elizabeth and bananas.


Anonymous said...

I'm a HOT DOG! "Classic and casual, you're very versatile. Whatever life piles on you, you can handle it and still retain and edge of fun. Most people recognize that and appreciate it-even if you can be a big weenie sometimes." least Jeffrey likes hot that's alright with me.

Anonymous said...

I'm a HOT DOG too! But I don't eat hot dogs. I do enjoy a banana, as you can see from the photo that Jeffrey so creatively posted. Yes, there I am about to indulge in a blown glass Chirstmas ornament, that was created to celebrate the birth of baby Jesus.

FreedomGirl said...

Hot diggidy dog!